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‘Of course the fellow has doubtless stayed put to wait for you,’ retorted Hilary. But then—Oh! Madam, there are moments—moments of darkness, which overshadow a whole existence—in the lives of the poor houseless wretches who traverse the streets, when reason is well-nigh benighted; when the horrible promptings of despair can, alone, be listened to; and when vice itself assumes the aspect of virtue. " CHAPTER IX. “Yes, I will go,” she promised, with a queer little smile. Dear me, what a nuisance it is to have a pseudo husband shot down upon one from the skies. Now we meet again, and you will scarcely look at me. " "Och! if he's a friend o' yours, my dear joy, there's no more to be said; and right sorry am I, I struck him. The both of them puttering about the tidy two-story house, Lucy would serve them both steaming cups of tea in the front parlor.

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